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Portraits de spectateurs, performance, December 2021, Théâtre de Cornouaille (Scène Nationale de Quimper)photo credit Loïc Thersiquel.

Portrait: composition on the spot of a typed text following some questions adapted to the context.




Portraits of spectators

"What do you like to be called?How do you like to leave a performance?If you could become an artist for one night, who would you become?What really makes you come to the theatre?Be aware that you are part of an audience in the eyes of the artistic team.How do you feel about this "ephemeral collective" that, for a moment, comes together to enjoy the show?


The lucky line

for compass needle

Paulette knows

that the shiny silks

are treasures.



from the velvet

velvet seat.

Paulette tells

to the abbeys

her drums -

of grace.

With a good long round horizon

for a line of sight,

she keeps the space in front

for an observatory.


To amaze the moment,

is what is at stake

with the unveiling of the show

Hadrian as if in a dream

think of the packed houses

living moments

established by the passion

of life.

On a wire, you must not fall /


the presence on stage.

One time by one time

the moment hammers

its different face

with each blow.


An intrigue

in this hall.

Some mirrors.

A divided subject

two sculptures

of salt


the rays

the life

in each form.

Christine of twists and turns

in reflections

teleports living art

into a semaphore.


With a handful of joy

in each hand

Victoria emerges

from a show

sometimes being

smile /

For the smile

is like a dress

Victoria knows

that it adorns the soul;

that it is a dream,

like a scene -

it is a time

where bonds unite

and tongues are loosened

after the applause.


photo credit: Louise Hubinont

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